Steps to Your Success
Why Choose a Mortgage Broker?
1st Quest Mortgage provides financial solutions for professionals, their clients, individuals and families to assist in accomplishing their goals. Many of our clients are referrals from legal, taxation, family planning, insurance and investment professionals assisting in achieving their client's goals. In the process, we have been fortunate to serve the professional community for their personal needs as well. We are committed to excellence with every transaction. Our ultimate goal is to be your "Lender for Life".
Our true, long term relationship with the client begins with the closing. When we handle every transaction in a manner that creates the highest degree of client satisfaction possible, we have earned their business, as well as all of their referrals. We do this in three macro steps.
Our true, long term relationship with the client begins with the closing. When we handle every transaction in a manner that creates the highest degree of client satisfaction possible, we have earned their business, as well as all of their referrals. We do this in three macro steps.
Step 1 - Analyze
We analyze the client’s current financial situation (where they are now), and, through the interview process, establish their priorities, regarding their financial wishes (where they want to be). We then match their current financial situation & future financial wishes with a mortgage solution that is tailor made to their goals (it gets them on the road to where they want to be) that best aligns with the client’s life style.
Step 2 - Effieciency
Once the client and 1st Quest have agreed on the loan program, our goal is to expeditiously close the transaction with the least amount of inconvenience. We use every opportunity to remain as paperless as possible during the final approval process. We do as much as we can to use the lastest technology available to us.
Step 3 - Retention
Once the loan closes, our job truly begins. Through consistent application of my database and client retention contact program. We stay in touch with our clients on a regular basis advising them on how to best help themselves overcome their challenges, adding true value to the relationship. In the long term, we provide the client with a “one stop shop” for all current market trends & professional services referrals. Our proven retention process allows us to refer clients back to real estate agents, CPA's, financial planners, insurnace agents, custom home builder, and many other professionals who have reffered us clients.